Seth’s Message
We continue our series of articles about how our church works. Each month we will look at one of the ministry teams, who is on the team, what they do, and how often and when they meet.
Last month our focus was on the Member / Nurture Team. This month our attention is on the Missions Committee.
The focus of this group is on those who reside outside the walls of our church. Our aim is to be the hands of Jesus in our work and through our mission dollars. In these efforts we realize that we cannot do it all, however, we can concentrate our mission work on a monthly basis. Each month we have selected various missions that are either local or global and we support them wholeheartedly. Some of these missions are supported through the dollars, cents, and checks placed in the “pink” basket that represents the mission of the month. Some of our missions are supported by a special plea for coats or teddy bears or paper products or school supplies. We are a giving church and our mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus never ends.
The group only meets as necessary or when getting ready for a mission project. Members of the team are Debbie Todd (chairperson), Jyl Duffy, Roberta Dobb, Sharon Miller, Shirley Rognstad, Pat Gibson, Nancy Sullivan, Mary Jo Turner, Chris Hassler, Andi Kankelborg, and Elaine Schnell.
Next month we will look at the ministry brought to us by the Christian Education Committee.