Seth's Message - October 2024

Seth’s Message


We continue our series of articles about how our church works. Each month we will look at one of the ministry teams, who is on the team, what they do, and how often and when they meet.

Last month our focus was the Committee on Finance and Memorials. This month our attention is on the Barnabas Committee.

The focus of this group is on the members and friends of Aldersgate; specifically, those who are shut-ins or are residing in our care facilities. The work of this group is to visit these individuals and share the love of God and the care of Aldersgate people. Cards and well-wishes are written at each meeting and plans are always made to find ways to meet those who are now unable to travel outside of their home. In their own words, “we wish to bring them a feeling of belonging and an unfailing faith. It is important that we bring them a little sunshine, a break in any lonesomeness, an avenue to express any occurrences that bring them happiness or unhappiness that they need to express. Our visits are a chance for them to talk, to reminisce, or express whatever they are pondering.”

Barnabas are the card-writers of our community. This lost art continues as members of Aldersgate receive cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and special events.

Meetings for the ministry of Barnabas are on the first Monday’s of the month at 11 am. Members of this team are Jean Frank (chairperson), Peggy Ryan, Carol Brown, LaVerne Henrich, Cherilyn Lambert, Anita Richard, Carol Rhoads, and John Rich.

Next month we will look at the ministry brought to us by the Member / Nurture Team.
