Adult Ministries
Midweek Lipreaders
Midweek Lipreaders - a Lay-led Bible study - will reconvene October 10th at 10:00 am to begin our new book - "Growing Fruits of the Spirit". The study is based on the Apostle Paul's discussion of the Fruits of the Spirit. Anyone who enjoys good conversation and black Methodist coffee is welcome to attend.
Week 1 - A Disciple Grows Week 6 - Self-Control
Week 2 - Love Week 7 - Forgiveness
Week 3 - Joy and Praise Week 8 - Overcoming
Week 4 - Patience, Kindness, & Goodness Week 9 - Perseverance
Week 5 Faithfulness & Gentleness Week 10 - Discerning God's Will
Worthy in Jesus Bible Study
On October 27th we begin a 5-part series led by the author and lecturer Brene Brown. She has authored more than 10 books, provided lectures on The Oprah Show, TED Talks, and You Tube, and is an inspiration to many. You have probably heard of Brene Brown or at least one of her phrases and just did not know it.
Leah Pritchard is a Christian, a mom, and a wife of a missionary. When she was in China she found herself in a very lonely position. She picked up one of Brown’s books, The Gifts of Imperfection, and was transfixed. The book seemed to answer so many of the difficult questions she was asking. Brene Brown is a Christian and one can find references to scripture and God and a relationship with Jesus throughout her work; but that is not Brown’s entire focus. Pritchard decided to take Brene Brown’s important work and turn it into a Bible Study. In fact, the study book is called Worthy in Jesus: Unofficial Study and Discussion Guide for the Gifts of Imperfection.
So, starting on the day of the LIFE CHANGING LESSONS series, we will start our lessons with Pritchard and Brown. Classes will take place during our regular Sunday School hour from 9:00 to 10:00 and then we will offer the same course immediately after church and end around 1 pm. This is to accommodate the changed youth schedule that that now meets in the early afternoon.