Ad. Council Meeting

CHAIRPERSON: Jackie Timmer

MEMBERS: Brad Belke, Vicki Kestle, Kariann Thaut, Jean Frank, Janet Helfrich, Dave Duffy, Peggy Ryan, Debbie Higbie, Terri Belke, Jyl Duffy, Debbie Todd, Lauren Kippen, Bruce Schuelke, Kathy Davis, and Jill Graff.

WHAT THEY DO: The Administrative Council ensures that all items of the Charge Conference are fulfilled throughout the year. In fact, the purpose of the Council is to act as the Executive Body for the Charge Conference. Since Charge Conference only meets once a year, the Administrative Council meets as needed throughout the year fulfilling all items listed in the Visions and Goals of our Charge Conference document. As with any policy-making body there are items that come up that may not have been foreseen during Charge Conference. The Administrative Council acts upon those items to ensure timely use of our church building, our resources, and to make sure that the church is following the principals of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church.

WHAT A MEETING LOOKS LIKE: A typical meeting of the Administrative Council usually lasts an hour with reports given by heads of each ministry team. Since this body acts as the Executive Body for the church there have been occasions where meetings have lasted longer than an hour. Usually we come to an agreement or we table the discussion until more research is to be had.

The Administrative Council typically meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the overflow room. This date was chosen to ensure that our decisions would be reflected in the following month’s newsletter.

Event Details
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm