CHAIRPERSON: Lauren Kippen

MEMBERS: Brad Belke, Jim Axelson, Pat Gibson, Barbara O’Brien, Bonnie Canty, Nita Kingsbury, Becky Rolich, and Jyl Duffy. There is one vacancy.

WHAT THEY DO: The Staff / Pastor-Parish Relations Committee or S/P-PRC for short operates as BOTH a personnel committee and a committee that works with the pastor. As a personnel committee the S/P-PRC meets with all paid staff members of the church. When there is a vacancy this group also makes the hire and sets the salaries (with approval of charge conference) for these hired personnel.

Switching gears, the S/P-PRC is the official body that works with our Bishop to ensure we have pastoral leadership. When there is a change in pastors it is this committee that meets with the District Superintendent to talk about the change and who shall be the next pastor. This is also the only committee that is allowed to share joys and concerns with the District Superintendent. The pastor is not hired by the church. The pastor is appointed by the Bishop to our congregation and it is through the District Superintendent that our wishes are made known.

Since we own a parsonage as the home resided by the pastor, this committee works with our Trustees. A 6-member team (three from each committee) meets with the pastor once a year to ensure that the parsonage meets the minimum standards set forth by the Mountain Sky Annual Conference. Jim Axelson, Pat Gibson, and Barb O’Brien represent the S/P-PRC on this subcommittee.

One other aspect of this team is to discern the call into ministry of any individual. The pastor makes the initial visit and then once this individual feels they are ready for the next step, it is the S/P-PRC that meets and approves of the candidate for continuation.

WHAT A MEETING LOOKS LIKE: The Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee does not have a set time to meet. It is usually as needed by the Conference or when concerns are valid. Due to the nature of the work all discussions are confidential.

Event Details
Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Category: Committee